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Lifestyle Medicine Programme for Management of Chronic Diseases

We are conducting a 7-week lifestyle medicine programme delivered through 5 weekly, group-based structured education with 2 one-to-one sessions at the beginning and end of the programme.

The programme will be led by Dr. Arti Rampaul, Family Medicine Consultant with a Diploma in Lifestyle Medicine and a Masters in Diabetes. During her Masters in Diabetes, Dr. Arti investigated the relationship between different food groups and lifestyle behaviours with the presence of metabolic disorders (namely pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and obesity) and discovered a strong relationship with these factors.

The purpose of the programme is to increase patients’ knowledge of the impact of different lifestyle behaviours on physical and mental well-being and to empower every individual to be in the driving seat of their health.

Programme Details:

The programme is aimed at all adults both with and without a chronic health condition who want to understand the impact of lifestyle behaviours on well-being. (Please see the exclusion criteria for the programme below).

The programme will comprise of:

  • 2 one-to-one sessions with Dr. Arti Rampaul (40mins each)
  • Pre-course nutritional and lifestyle questionnaire
  • Bloods: fasting glucose, HbA1c, lipid profile – 2 sets: at the beginning and repeated at the end of the course
  • Biometric parameters by a nurse: BMI, BP, waist circumference
  • 5 group-based structured education sessions (45 mins + 15 mins Q&As). Topics covered:
    • Nutrition as Medicine
    • Exercise as Medicine
    • Sleep Health
    • Avoidance of risky substances
    • Stress resilience and social connectedness

Additional information for group sessions

Session 1: Nutrition as Medicine

Our first group session will highlight the scientific evidence that supports the incorporation of particular foods and avoidance of others, and we will discuss which dietary pattern is most beneficial to our health and why.

Session 2: Exercise as Medicine

We will understand the evidence of incorporating exercise on health including the impact on the heart, brain, metabolism, and immunity, as well as discussing the recommendations for exercise.

Session 3: Sleep Health

We will discuss the impact of sleep deprivation on our health, including our metabolism, immunity, and heart health. We will also understand what influences our circadian rhythm and how to optimise it throughout the day.

Session 4: Avoidance of risky substances

This session will cover the risks of smoking and the benefits of quitting. We will also discuss the ill effects of alcohol at different levels of consumption.

Session 5: Stress resilience and social connectedness

We will discuss the physiological response to stress, how it impacts our mind and body, the role of social connections, and positive psychology.

Of note: These programmes are not suitable for individuals with an unstable medical condition, recent hospital admission, recent surgery, pregnancy, breastfeeding or those on insulin or type 1 diabetes. Other individuals with chronic disease and/or on medications should only make changes after consultation with a healthcare professional.


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