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Medicentres provides a specialised physical led clinic providing quality medical care for breastfeeding and infant feeding difficulties. Our Experts can offer relevant information, support and guidance for a successful breastfeeding

While breastfeeding is natural, it is a learned skill for you and your new baby. Some mothers and babies can experience temporary breastfeeding challenges and find breastfeeding more difficult than expected. However, almost all difficulties can be overcome with adequate instruction and guidance.

Whether you are facing typical breastfeeding challenges or if you have unique circumstances, our infant feeding specialist, international board lactation certified ( IBCLC) is committed to ensure that you and your family receive the most up-to-date breastfeeding care to successfully meet your breastfeeding goals.

With a family-centered and evidence-based approach, our lactation expert is dedicated to helping you with a comprehensive management of infant feeding and breastfeeding challenges such as :

  • Sucking and latch on difficulties
  • Tongue Tie and lip tie treatment (frenectomy procedure)
  • Slow infant weight gain
  • Low milk supply
  • Breast and nipple pain
  • Breast and nipple infections
  • Breastfeeding multiples, near term & preterm infants
  • Information on medications and lactation

During the consultation, our breastfeeding medicine specialist will spend time with you and you baby reinforcing proper techniques, answering your questions and offering personalized support in order to develop an effective feeding plan tailored to your needs.

Patient Educations

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