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دلل نفسك من خلال منتجاتنا علاج قناع التبييض في مراكز فقيه الطبية. احصلي على بشرة أكثر إشراقًا ومتجددًا مع علاج الوجه الفاخر والفعال هذا.
ما الذي يتضمنه:
استشارة احترافية مع أخصائيي العناية بالبشرة الخبراء لدينا.
جلسة واحدة من علاج قناع التبييض المخصص لنوع بشرتك.
تجربة الاسترخاء والانتعاش في بيئة آمنة ومريحة.
فوائد علاج قناع التبييض:
يضيء ويوحد لون البشرة.
يزيل الشوائب ويعزز نقاء البشرة.
يرطب ويغذي بشرتك.
يترك بشرتك منتعشة ومتجددة.
الشروط والأحكام:
العرض صالح لفترة محدودة فقط.
العرض متاح فقط في عيادة فقيه ميديسنتر دبي مول.
تطبق الشروط والأحكام.
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"I was totally amazed with the level of customer service, cleanliness and very impressed with the whole experience; Specially the cardiology department, extremely friendly and professional staff members."
Amaar Bahnasy
Amaar Bahnasy
"I was totally amazed with the level of customer service, cleanliness and very impressed with the whole experience; Specially the cardiology department, extremely friendly and professional staff members."
Amaar Bahnasy
Amaar Bahnasy
"I was totally amazed with the level of customer service, cleanliness and very impressed with the whole experience; Specially the cardiology department, extremely friendly and professional staff members."
Amaar Bahnasy
Amaar Bahnasy
"I was totally amazed with the level of customer service, cleanliness and very impressed with the whole experience; Specially the cardiology department, extremely friendly and professional staff members."
Amaar Bahnasy
Amaar Bahnasy
"I was totally amazed with the level of customer service, cleanliness and very impressed with the whole experience; Specially the cardiology department, extremely friendly and professional staff members."
Amaar Bahnasy
Amaar Bahnasy
"I was totally amazed with the level of customer service, cleanliness and very impressed with the whole experience; Specially the cardiology department, extremely friendly and professional staff members."
Amaar Bahnasy
Amaar Bahnasy
I always heard good about Dr. Zaheer, and I must say he didn't make us panic and briefed us properly about the situation. Thank you, Dr.